Lightening Consent Forms

                                       CONSENT FOR PIGMENT (TATTOO) LIGHTENING

Name (Please Print) _______________________________________________________________________

Date__________________________________ DOB_______________________Age______________________

Technician Name__________________________________________________________________________

Describe the tattoo to be lightened____________________________________________________________

Area on the body tattoo is located_____________________________________________________________

Are you on any medications or do you have any medical conditions?  Circle   YES or NO. If yes please list and inform on back of this page.

Are you allergic or have had a reaction to any type of salt at any time?  YES or NO.

Are you allergic to citrus (orange or lemon)? YES or NO. 

Are you allergic to Aloe Vera?  YES or NO.                                      

The nature and method of the proposed pigment (tattoo) lightening procedure has been explained to me including risks and/or possibility of complications during or following its performance.  I understand there may be a certain amount of discomfort or pain associated with the procedure and that the other adverse side effects may include: minor and temporary bleeding, bruising, redness or other discoloration and swelling.  Fever blisters may occur on the lips following lip procedures in individuals prone to this problem.  Secondary infection in the area of the procedure may occur, however if properly cared for, this is rare.  _________________ (Client Initials)

I understand that several treatments may be needed in order to attempt to achieve my desired results.  However, I have not received any guarantees to the quality of the outcome of the process. ________________ (Client Initials)

I understand there are medical options available for pigment (tattoo) lightening/removal.  I have decided to decline those methods. ____________ (Client Initials)

I understand that the unwanted pigment may not be successfully lightened to the point that it can no longer be seen.  Scarring as hyper-pigmentation or hypo-pigmentation, discoloration or other damage to the skin may occur during this process and may be permanent. This is rare but it can happen.  I will not hold my technician, High Brow Society and/or the distributor/manufacturer of tattoo removal products used in this attempted pigment (tattoo) lightening or removal liable for any damages that may occur to my person.

_______ (Client Initials)

I understand there will be no refunds if the desired lightening result is not achieved. _______Client Initials)

Which of the following best describes your skin type? (Please circle one number)

  1. Always burns, never tans
  2. Always burns, sometimes tans
  3. Sometimes burns, always tans
  4. Rarely burns, always tans
  5. Brown, moderately pigmented skin
  6. Black skin

For skin types V and VI; I understand that I am at a higher risk for hyper-pigmentation and hypo-pigmentation than other skin types. I agree to the risk involved.   ___________ (Client Initials)

I understand that lightening tattoo pigment is difficult, if even possible.  As a result, I will not hold Nik J at High Brow Society responsible for any resultant failure to lighten the unwanted pigment. __________ (Client Initials)

I agree to submit to before and after photographs, and give my permission to use such photographs for publication and/or teaching purposes. _________________ (Client Initials)

I agree to follow all aftercare instructions provided by me by my technician. ______________ (Client Initials)                                                    

I have been duly informed of the natures, risks, possible complications and consequences as listed above.  I further understand that my technician is not a medical doctor. ________________ (Client Initials)

There is a fee for this service and additional fee for all additional sessions. The fees have been explained to me and I agree to the fees.  The fee for this first session is $______160________.  Fee’s for the additional session (s) cannot be determined until the results from this first session are complete and how much needs to be addressed and lightened at the additional session (s) can be determined. _________________ (Client Initials)

I have disclosed all that has been asked of me to the best of my ability and I understand all information listed above. I have had all my questions answered, and agree to all conditions and provisions of this document as evidenced by signature below.  I accept the risks for having this procedure done therefore  Nik J at High Brow Society from any and all liability. ____________________ (Client Initials)                           

__________________________________________________ Date_______________________

Signature of Client (Signature applies to consent to process during agreed treatment plan period)

__________________________________________________ Date_______________________

Witnessed by Technician Performing Lightening Procedure

                                                                   TECHNICIAN NOTE PAGE


Client Name:

Technician Name:


Area to be Lightened________________________________________________________________________

Describe what is to be Lightened_______________________________________________________________



Before Picture Taken?_______________________________________________________________________

Anesthetic Used____________________________________________________________________________

Lightening Solution Used_____________________________________________________________________

Machine/Device Used_______________________________________________________________________

Needle Used_______________________________________________________________________________

Technique(s) Used and How Many Passes?______________________________________________________



Additional Detailed Notes____________________________________________________________________










Aftercare Explained and Given to Client?________________________________________________________

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